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  • Europe’s DMA rules for Big Tech explained

    The Digital Markets Act (DMA), an ex bet European Association change of computerized rivalry rules, will be in force today, by 12 PM Brussels' time, on six tech goliaths — applying another arrangement of legitimate prerequisites on more than 20 of their "center stage administrations" (CPS).Online realms that scaled in More

    Europes DMA rules for Big Tech explained
  • What is “Title Inflation” at work and can it harm

    Generation Z is a cohort that is often characterised by their yearing and desire for success.However, they are moreover hugely motivated by social impact within their workplace. Seventy-five per cent would leave their current job for one with a greater impact on global issues, and a increasingly robust corporate social More

    What is Title Inflation at work and can it harm your career?
  • Strive School wants to increase the number of job-ready software

    College in the United States is expensive and, for many, comes with massive student debt. The price tag has led to the increase of coding bootcamps and alternative schooling options to help students gain employment, and a salary, without taking on millions of dollars in debt.In Europe, the picture looks More

    Strive School wants to increase the number of job-ready software engineers in Europe
  • 14 VCs discuss COVID-19 and London’s future as a tech

    The UK has created 63 tech unicorns in the past decade (according to Dealroom), and it almost goes without saying that the vast majority of those companies were based out of London, the country’s largest tech hub.Famously, London’s DeepMind, an AI startup, was acquired by Google in 2014 for $500 More

    14 VCs discuss COVID-19 and Londons future as a tech hub
  • Founding partner Hjalmar Winbladh is leaving EQT Ventures

    EQT Ventures, the Stockholm-headquartered venture capital firm that invests in Europe and the U.S., is losing founding partner Hjalmar Winbladh, TechCrunch has learned.Rumours that he was leaving the “multistage, sector-agnostic” VC fund that he helped launch in 2016, begun circulating within the European startup ecosystem last week, with multiple sources More

    Founding partner Hjalmar Winbladh is leaving EQT Ventures