Latest stories

  • NemoCare, wearables to help newborns stay safe

    Based in India, NemoCare focuses on technology to reduce infant and maternal mortality rates in developing countries. TechCrunch talked to co-founder and CTO Manor Sanker about NemoCare’s portable and low-cost wearable for newborns, which monitors vital signs and connects to a platform that alerts medical teams when a baby needs More

    NemoCare, wearables to help newborns stay safe
  • Backacia fights against construction waste with reused materials

    Large construction sites are incredibly wasteful. Materials get tossed all the time if there’s a change of plan or if you ordered too much stuff. French startup Backacia connects construction professionals to reduce waste and bring down costs. You can both buy and sell materials and equipment. The buyer then More

    Backacia fights against construction waste with reused materials
  • Taking a ride on the VanMoof Electrified X2

    A couple of months ago, we took a VanMoof electric-bike for a test ride in Paris. While there are a ton of electric-bikes in the streets of Paris, the VanMoof Electrified X2 looks like no other. The frame is a single piece of aluminum that looks futuristic. On the handlebar, More

    Taking a ride on the VanMoof Electrified X2
  • Cultivating Intelligence in Agricultural Robots | TC Sessions: Robotics +

    The benefits of robotics in agriculture are undeniable, yet at the same time only getting started. Lewis Anderson (Traptic) and Sebastien Boyer (Farmwise) will compare notes on the rigors of developing industrial-grade robots that both pick crops and weed fields respectively, and Pyka’s Michael Norcia will discuss taking flight over More

    Cultivating Intelligence in Agricultural Robots | TC Sessions: Robotics + AI 2020
  • Innovation Break: Bringing Intelligence to Robots with Shri Sundaram (NVIDIA)

    Most robots are automated but not AI autonomous. NVIDIA’s Isaac platform helps roboticists incorporate AI into their robots. By leveraging Isaac, NVIDIA’s Jetson AGX Xavier module, and DGX deep learning workstation, you can create the next generation robotics by accelerating research and design, reducing cost and risk, and improving quality More

    Innovation Break: Bringing Intelligence to Robots with Shri Sundaram (NVIDIA) | TC Sessions: Robotics + AI 2020
  • The Next Century of Robo-Exoticism | TC Sessions: Robotics +

    In 1920, Karl Capek coined the term “robot” in a play about mechanical workers organizing a rebellion to defeat their human overlords. 100 years later, in the context of increasing inequality and xenophobia, the panelists will discuss cultural views of robots in the context of “Robo-Exoticism” which exaggerates both negative More

    The Next Century of Robo-Exoticism | TC Sessions: Robotics + AI 2020